

  • Setup: npm install
  • Run Server: rethinkdb, npm run server
  • Update GraphQL Schema: npm run update-schema
  • Build Client: npm run build
    • Watch: npm run build-watch
  • Lint: npm run lint
  • Test: npm run test
    • Watch: npm run test-watch

Develop Server

  • Run server
  • Create model (server/models.js)
  • Create endpoint (server/endpoints/example.js)
  • Add to schema (server/schema.js)
  • Update GraphQL Schema
  • Debug with graphiql http://localhost:5000/graphql

Develop Client

  • Watch client
  • Create component (client/components/Example.js)
  • (optional) Create mutation (client/mutations/ExampleMutation.js)
  • Add Route (client/app.js)
  • Debug with relay client http://localhost:3000/